The Chamber Alliance of Mason County is excited to announce a new partnership with the Lakeshore Food Club, aimed at providing fresh fish to community members in need. This collaboration will take place during the highly anticipated Ludington Offshore Classic Fishing Tournament, an annual event that attracts boat crews and fishing enthusiasts from across the region to celebrate Ludington's rich fisheries.
Daily events off the coast of Ludington will be held for pros, amateurs, ladies and youth during the week-long Ludington Offshore Classic scheduled for July 16 - 21. Donated fish will be available to Lakeshore Food Club members beginning Thursday, July 18 at 920 E. Tinkham Ave., Ludington.
"The daily contests are anticipated to bring thousands of pounds of fish ashore, and participants in the tournament will have the opportunity to donate their catches to the Lakeshore Food Club," explained Brandy Miller, President/CEO of the Chamber Alliance. "This is a proud milestone for our tournament, extending its impact beyond economic benefits to addressing one of our community's greatest needs."
Volunteers are needed daily from Tuesday through Sunday to handle fish at the weigh-in sites and Harbor View Marina. To volunteer, contact the Lakeshore Food Club, or sign up online at ludington.org/offshore-classic/.
“We are so thankful to be able to turn a week of fishing tournaments into months of food access for our members,” said O’Nealya Gronstal, executive director of Lakeshore Food Club. “We will be able to provide our community with fresh fish that week and, depending on fish donation levels, potentially frozen fish throughout the year.”
“With a membership of over 2,900 local households, and new statistics telling us that 41 percent of all Michiganders cannot afford the very basic necessities, we know our work is more vital than ever. We are so thankful we don't work alone,” Gronstal added.
Those interested in learning more about the Lakeshore Food Club, can visit www.lakeshorefoodclub.org
For information about the Offshore Classic Fishing Tournament, visit www.ludingtontournament.com.